IJPAM: Volume 50, No. 2 (2009)
School of Accounting, Economics and Statistics
Napier University
Craiglockhart Campus
Edinburgh EH14 1DJ, SCOTLAND
e-mail: r.raeside@napier.ac.uk
Abstract.Nations have developed at different rates and this differential
development is manifested on the wellbeing of their populations. The
reasons for different rates of development can not fully be
explained by different initial economic states, political regime nor
by geography. In this paper social cohesion, social homogeneity and
social contact with other societies are explored to determine if
this offers and additional explanation. UNDP data is modelled using
a panel data approach to explain the rate of development as
reflected by declines in total fertility rates in terms of variables
such as GDP per capita, life expectancy, literacy rates and infant
mortality rates. A created measure of social similarity between
nations is added to the model network analysis are applied to
examine the cohesion within clusters and the degree of connectedness
between nations using additional information on the similarity
between nations. The inspection of sociograms and multivariate
statistical models suggest that social affinity does indeed offer
some explanation to differences in rates of development.
Received: August 14, 2008
AMS Subject Classification: 91C99
Key Words and Phrases: national development, social affinity, panel data analysis social network analysis
Source: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
ISSN: 1311-8080
Year: 2009
Volume: 50
Issue: 2