IJPAM: Volume 118, No. 2 (2018)




Elena Zattoni
Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering ``G. Marconi''
Alma Mater Studiorum $\cdot$ University of Bologna
Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, ITALY


This paper is focused on hybrid linear systems subject to periodic state jumps. The measurable disturbance decoupling problem investigated is a synthesis problem with a twofold objective: rendering the system output insensitive to a disturbance accessible for measurement and, at the same time, achieving global asymptotic stability of the compensated hybrid linear dynamics for the jump time sequence with the given period. In order to best exploit the real-time knowledge of the disturbance, a feedforward compensation scheme is adopted, under the assumption that the plant is prestabilized by a suitable feedback. Hence, a necessary and sufficient solvability condition is proven. Such condition is constructive: i.e., the proof outlines the procedure for deriving a hybrid linear feedforward compensator that satisfies the stated requirements.


Received: 2018-01-08
Revised: 2018-01-24
Published: March 25, 2018

AMS Classification, Key Words

AMS Subject Classification: 93C30, 93C35, 93D20
Key Words and Phrases: hybrid linear systems, periodic jumps, global asymptotic stability

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DOI: 10.12732/ijpam.v118i2.27 How to cite this paper?

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
ISSN printed version: 1311-8080
ISSN on-line version: 1314-3395
Year: 2018
Volume: 118
Issue: 2
Pages: 451 - 464

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