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Bazuaye, F.E., Department of Mathematics and Statistics\\ University of Portharcourt\\ Portharcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA\\[2pt]
Bendaas, Saida
Bendjeddou, A., Department of Mathematics University of Setif 1 19 000, ALGERIA
Berbache, A., Laboratory of Applied Mathematics University of\ s\'{e}tif 1 ALGERIA
Berz, Martin, Department of Physics and Astronomy Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Biala, Toheeb A.
Biazutti, A.C.
Bisso, S.
Bisso, Saley, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University Abdou Moumouni P.O. Box 10 662 Niamey, NIGER
Bisso, Saley (Niger)
Bisso, Saley
Blackmore, D.
Bontchev, Boyan
Boucenna, A.
Boucherif, A.
Boudaoui, Ahmed
Boulfoul, Amel, Department of Mathematics University of Annaba, BP12 El Hadjar, 23000, Annaba, ALGERIA
Boyadjiev, Georgi
Brill, Stephen H.
Brumley, Daniel, Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Central Oklahoma Edmond, Oklahoma 73034, USA
Bui, An Ton
Buse, C.
Bzheumikhova, O.I.


Cainiceanu, G.
Campo, Antonio, Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio, TX 78249, USA

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ISSN: 1311-2872