IJPAM: Volume 12, No. 3 (2004)
Rodolfo Martinez-Zuniga
Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon
Apdo Postal 144-F, Cd. Universitaria, C.P. 66450
San Nicolas de los Garza
Nuevo Leon, MEXICO
e-mails: mbasin@fcfm.uanl.mx, jgrg17@yahoo.com.mx
e-mail: jgrg17@yahoo.com.mx
Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Autonomous University of Couahuila
Calle Barranquilla, S/N, Col. Guadalupe
Apdo Postal 189, C.P. 25750, Monclova
Coahuila, MEXICO
e-mail: rodolfomart62@hotmail.com
Abstract.In this paper, the optimal filtering
problem for nonlinear systems over linear observations with time
delay is treated proceeding from the general expression for the
stochastic Ito differential of the optimal estimate and the error
variance. As a result, the Ito differentials for the optimal
estimate and error variance corresponding to the stated filtering
problem are first derived. The procedure for obtaining a closed
system of the filtering equations for a polynomial state over
linear observations with delay is then established, which yields
the explicit closed form of the filtering equations in the
particular case of a bilinear system state. In the example,
performance of the designed optimal filter for bilinear states
over linear observations with delay is verified against the best
filter available for bilinear states over linear observations
without delays and the conventional extended Kalman-Bucy filter.
Received: February 16, 2004
AMS Subject Classification: 93E11, 93C10, 60G35
Key Words and Phrases: filtering, stochastic system, nonlinear system, time delay system
Source: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
ISSN: 1311-8080
Year: 2004
Volume: 12
Issue: 3