IJPAM: Volume 52, No. 3 (2009)
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Mahidol University
Rama 6 Road, Bangkok, 10400, THAILAND
e-mail: scbww@mahidol.ac.th
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Curtin University of Technology
Perth, WA 6845, AUSTRALIA
e-mail: yhwu@maths.curtin.edu.au
Abstract.This paper aims to present a mathematical model
and numerical technique to study the three-dimensional fluid flow
and heat transfer in the electromagnetic steel casting process.
The effect of source current density on the electromagnetic force
as well as on the flow and temperature fields is investigated. The
numerical results indicate that the source current density of
different magnitudes have a considerable effect on the flow field
of molten steel and a higher source current generates a lower
speed of molten steel near the mould wall. Consequently, the
recirculation zone moves further away from the mould wall,
and the speed of molten steel decreases while the heat transfer rate increases significantly.
Received: March 16, 2009
AMS Subject Classification: 74S05, 35Q60, 74F15, 83C50
Key Words and Phrases: continuous casting process, electromagnetic force, mathematical model, finite element method
Source: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
ISSN: 1311-8080
Year: 2009
Volume: 52
Issue: 3