IJPAM: Volume 114, No. 1 (2017)
C.S. Hariram Kumar, N. ParvathiFaculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Mathematics
SRM University
Kattankulathur, 603 203, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
The conception of rainbow connection was introduced by Chartrand et al [1]. It is gripping and late occurrence, produce lot of papers with good-quality literary works about it. In this paper we endeavour to bring together most of the results and papers that dealt with it. We debut with an introduction and organize the work into categories as rainbow vertex connection number, observation, Results and Conclusion follows.History
Received: September 16, 2016
Revised: January 27, 2017
Published: April 21, 2017
AMS Classification, Key Words
AMS Subject Classification: 05C15, 05C40
Key Words and Phrases: rainbow path, rainbow vertex connection number
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- 1
- G. Chartrand, G. L. Johns, K. A. Mckeon, P. Zhang, Rainbow connection in graphs, Math Bohem. 133 (2008), 85-98
- 2
- S. Chakraborty, E. Fischer, A. Matslaih, R. Yuster, Hardness and algorithms for rainbow connectivity, 26th international symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science STACS 2009 (2009), 243-254.
- 3
- M. Krivelevich, R. Yuster, The rainbow connection of a graph is (atmost) reciprocal to its minimum degree, J. Graph Theory 63 3 (2009) 185-191.
- 4
- X. Li, Y. Shi, On the rainbow vertex-connection, Discuss. Math. Graph theory (2012).
- 5
- J. Dong, X. Li, Rainbow connection numbers and the minimum degree sum of a Graph, Sci. China Ser, A (2012).
- 6
- X. Li, S. Liu, Rainbow vertex-connection number of 2-connected graphs, arXiv:1110. 5770[math. CO](2011)
- 7
- Hariram Kumar, N. Parvathi, Rainbow Vertex Coloring for Sunlet and Helm Graph, National Conference NCAGL 2015 (2015), 35-36.
- 8
- Hariram Kumar, N. Parvathi, Rainbow Vertex Coloring for Comb Graph, International Conference ICEME 1 (2015), 86-88.
- 9
- Hariram Kumar, N. Parvathi, Rainbow vertex coloring for middle graph of star graph Global, Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 12 1 (2016), 166-169.
- 10
- Chartrand and P. Zhaung, Chromatic Graph Theory, CRC PRESS (2008), 176.
How to Cite?
DOI: 10.12732/ijpam.v114i1.2 How to cite this paper?Source: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
ISSN printed version: 1311-8080
ISSN on-line version: 1314-3395
Year: 2017
Volume: 114
Issue: 1
Pages: 17 - 27
Google Scholar; DOI (International DOI Foundation); WorldCAT.
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