IJPAM: Volume 114, No. 3 (2017)
Ajay Kumar Saw, Soumyadeep Nandi, Binod Chandra TripathyMathematical Sciences Division
Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology
Guwahati, 781035, Assam, INDIA
Life Science Division
Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology
Guwahati, 781035, Assam, INDIA
Department of Mathematics
Tripura University
Agartala, 799022, Tripura, INDIA
In this paper, we developed a fuzzy code technique for molecular phylogenetic analysis. This proposed theory has potential to encode or decode information related to the evolution of sequences traversing from one stage to another in phylogenetic trees. Using this novel methodology we have encoded the sequence of RNA molecule of each species in phylogenetic trees which folds into three-dimensional structure due to transcription, termed as secondary structure.After encoding RNA sequence into the fuzzy code, we wrote mathematical formulation of RNA secondary structure. In addition we establish relation between RNA sequence and their secondary structure. We constructed the fuzzy neural network, fraction of neural neighbour in sequence space for differentiating compatible sequences. We have used technique involution metric, symmetric group, symmetric difference, etc; to establish a difference in secondary structures.History
Received: December 3, 2016
Revised: May 12, 2017
Published: May 23, 2017
AMS Classification, Key Words
AMS Subject Classification: 03E72, 20Bx, 68R10, 20A15, 30Lxx
Key Words and Phrases: fuzzy theory, group theory, metric space, phylogenetic trees, RNA sequenceing, RNA secondary structure
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How to Cite?
DOI: 10.12732/ijpam.v114i3.6 How to cite this paper?Source: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
ISSN printed version: 1311-8080
ISSN on-line version: 1314-3395
Year: 2017
Volume: 114
Issue: 3
Pages: 483 - 501
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