IJPAM: Volume 114, No. 3 (2017)
Raghad Sahib Shamsah, Anvarjon A. Ahmedov, Hishamuddin Zainuddin, Adem Kilicman, Fudziah IsmailInstitute for Mathematical Research
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences
Universiti of Karbala, IRAQ
Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology
Universiti Pahang Malaysia
26300 UMP, Lebuhraya Tun razak, Pahang, MALAYSIA
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, MALAYSIA
We show that the two dimensional wavelet expansion of function for converges pointwise almost everywhere under wavelet projection operator. This convergence can be established by assuming some minimal regularity to get the rapidly decreasing for two dimensional wavelet . The Kernel function of the wavelet projection operator in two dimension converges absolutely, distributionally and is bounded. Also the wavelet expansions in two dimension are controlled in a magnitude by the maximal function operator. All these conditions can be utilized to achieve the convergence almost everywhere.History
Received: December 14, 2016
Revised: March 15, 2017
Published: May 23, 2017
AMS Classification, Key Words
AMS Subject Classification: 40A05, 42C40, 45P05, 47B38, 46E27, 28A33
Key Words and Phrases: two dimensional wavelet expansion, kernel function, almost everywhere convergence, maximal function, bounded
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How to Cite?
DOI: 10.12732/ijpam.v114i3.9 How to cite this paper?Source: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
ISSN printed version: 1311-8080
ISSN on-line version: 1314-3395
Year: 2017
Volume: 114
Issue: 3
Pages: 523 - 536
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