IJPAM: Volume 117, No. 2 (2017)
Danjela Braho, Edlira DonefskiDepartment of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics
University F. S. Noli
11, Rilindasit Blvd., Korçë, 7002, ALBANIA
Statistical convergence has become an active area of research under the name of statistical convergence since 1990s of the last century. It has appeared in a wide variety of topics such as number theory, measure theory, trigonometric series, summability theory, in the study of strong integral summability and Banach spaces.In this paper statistical convergence is used to obtain some new results on amarts. Amarts generalize martingales considerably since every convergent sequence of random variables with integrable supremum is an amart. Our goal is the study of statistical convergence of asymptotic martingales of statistical Bochner integrable functions. We obtain some results for the statistical convergence of vector valued uniform amarts without assuming the Radon-Nikodym Property.
Received: 2017-06-14
Revised: 2017-11-15
Published: December 23, 2017
AMS Classification, Key Words
AMS Subject Classification: 60G48, 40A30, 28B05
Key Words and Phrases: statistical convergence, amart, statistical Bochner integrable
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How to Cite?
DOI: 10.12732/ijpam.v117i2.2 How to cite this paper?Source: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
ISSN printed version: 1311-8080
ISSN on-line version: 1314-3395
Year: 2017
Volume: 117
Issue: 2
Pages: 263 - 270
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