IJPAM: Volume 117, No. 2 (2017)
Ivo Damyanov, Nadezhda BorisovaDepartment of Informatics
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
South-West University ``Neofit Rilski''
66, Ivan Mihailov Str., Blagoevgrad, 2700, BULGARIA
Programming languages are one of the main knowledge areas in the Computer Science curriculum. Software development professionals often need to learn new languages, constructs and concepts to effectively combine them in solutions they develop. Universities must adequately prepare their students for the challenges they will face. Studying programming languages is a part of more general knowledge covering programming paradigms, concepts, technologies, patterns and algorithms. The first programming language plays and important role since freshmen have different backgrounds and different expectations.This paper presents a recent survey on programming languages used in Bulgarian academic courses and discusses results in the light of the recent index of programming languages popularity and industry trends. The survey of languages studied at universities is juxtaposed with industry demands for professionals with specific knowledge in particular programming languages. The study covers all Bulgarian universities with undergraduate courses in the professional field of informatics and computer science and the programming skills demanded in job offers during the last six months in Bulgaria.
Received: 2017-06-14
Revised: 2017-11-15
Published: December 23, 2017
AMS Classification, Key Words
AMS Subject Classification: 68N15, 97P40
Key Words and Phrases: programming language, academic courses, computer science curricula, software industry
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How to Cite?
DOI: 10.12732/ijpam.v117i2.3 How to cite this paper?Source: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
ISSN printed version: 1311-8080
ISSN on-line version: 1314-3395
Year: 2017
Volume: 117
Issue: 2
Pages: 271 - 278
Google Scholar; DOI (International DOI Foundation); WorldCAT.
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