GOOGLE Metric Data for journal: - h-index: 13
- g-index: 24
- cites/paper: 3.83, cites/year: 41.89
| "International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications" is a mathematical journal for publishing carefully selected original research papers on differential equations in their broadest sense:- Ordinary Differential Equations,
- Partial Differential Equations,
- Functional Differential Equations,
- Difference Equations,
- Functional Equations,
- Integral Inequalities,
- Differential Games,
- Applications (include the modeling and analysis of engineering, biological, economical and industrial problems).
With the publication of the January 2019 issue, IJDEA has concluded it's 19-th year of publication of high-quality research articles. Over the past years, we have seen significant growth: Cites per paper (impact of the journal) have become 3.83 (The IJDEA impact is calculated using Harzing's Publish or Perish software that is based on Google Scholar on 14.01.2019). For this success, we are thankful to our Editorial Board, authors especially, and readers. [14.01.2019] According an email from Scopus, Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB): The title mentioned above has been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). The review of this title is now complete and the CSAB has advised that the title will be accepted for inclusion in Scopus. |